Newest Blogs
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Hello Kings and Queens, Thank you so much for reading today Reign report! A-quick report B- Business definitionsC-start up resources QUICK REPORT*Gloss Boss kits are currently sold out. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, they will be off the site until further notice. Thank you for your patience. *Mentorship programs are not available at this time, however will be available during the Summer. More details will be relayed once available. B-QUICK DEFINITIONS:VENDOR-a person or company offering something for sale, especially a trader in the street. The vendor is who you purchase the actual products from. LLC- formation of a business...
Reign Report #1
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Encouraging words for the day: Your effort is only as strong as the intention you put behind it. A lot of people put in effort, it takes effort to get out of bed everyday, It takes effort to go and find drugs or be messy. What is your intention? Intention is the difference between those people who took loans and created empires, and those who borrow $20 dollars from their family and you never see them again. Energy doesn’t lie, put your intentions where your mouth is and go get what you deserve, and if you lack direction, you’ll still...
Reign Report- Words of encouragement
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Hey Reign Gang!I know in these tough times we all are living In currently, we all need a word of encouragement. These days, there are a lot of different ways to define success. Whether you want a new car, new home, or just want to establish some consistency for your family, just know you can do it as long as you remember a few things. Use these keys and you will be able to weather the storm. First, focus on what your own individual goals are and not define them by what or who you see. In business, as in...